Composer Interview: Matthew Cann

MusicSpoke Notes
Published in
3 min readJan 19, 2015


Meet composer Matt Cann

Composer Matthew Cann wrote in all the way from Exeter this week!

What are you currently watching or reading?
I’m currently watching Gotham, The Knick, and Elementary as my favourite shows. As a Brit, there are certain shows only in the UK that probably won’t mean anything to a U.S. audience, but I’m really into my American shows at the mo’.

What’s on your bucket list?
I don’t really have a bucket list at the moment, but I would really like to own and drive a performance car again! As a reckless decision in my 20’s, I bought a BMW 3 series that drank fuel like it was going out of fashion, and it inevitably had to go once wife and family arrived.

What are your most-listened to tracks on your iPod?
I have a wide variety of material on my iPod — listening to classical/choral music whilst driving isn’t very conducive, so I revert to all my pop stuff. Most of all, I’m listening to Lorde, Röyksopp, Dr. Dre, Haggis Horns, Leftfield, Lemon Jelly, anything by The Sixteen, The Tallis Scholars, sometimes, some French organ music — generally eclectic depending on my mood.

What other hobbies and interests do you have?
I’m into food and drink, preparing it and consuming it. I occasionally make my own sloe gin if I can get ahold of the sloes; it’s a messy process, but the results are brilliant! I still have a bottle from a few years ago that I’m slowly rationing, but it is neat rocket fuel! Maybe I could power my car with it!

If you could have a superpower, what would it be?
Tough one — invisibility, obviously! Too much fun could be had and doing good, of course!

What is your favorite vacation destination?
Nerja in Southern Spain. I used to holiday there a few times and I went there on honeymoon. It’s a beautiful area that unfortunately has become too popular with us foreigners.

Who inspires you musically?
Where to start! Certain teachers from school who were inspirational and always exposed me to striving for a very high standard in any musical endeavor. From a composer’s point of view, I love John Taverner, Arvo Pärt, Herbert Howells, Mahler, Brahms. Apart from the classical world, I get a lot of inspiration from the pop world as well.

How did you get started in music/composition?
I was a chorister (boy singer) at Gloucester Cathedral in the UK, and therefore, worked at a professional level from the age of 8. By the time I went to music college, I had to study composition during my first year, but it was more because I had to, doing 12 note row compositions etc. Only since teaching piano and singing did I catch the real composition bug. I write mainly for unaccompanied choir as that is where most of my experience is.

Who is your mentor or favorite role model?
Mark Blatchly. He was Assistant Organist at Gloucester when was a kid, and I then had him as an “A” Level teacher when I was 17. I learnt so much from him and have massive respect for his musical talent and his ability as a teacher. He was and still is a LEGEND! I am still in contact with him as he is a teacher at Charterhouse School in Surrey now. He is a composer with many commissions, and he freelances as an organist as well. Too talented for words!

What is the biggest challenge you face professionally?
From a singing point of view, singing Bach Cantata arias — not only is it in German(!), but it requires super-human breath control. From a piano teacher point of view, enthusing children to practise!! From a composing point of view, finding a niche, a tag, something that is recognisably me!

Listen to some of Matt’s beautiful music at the links below.

In Manus Tuas | Matt Cann | MusicSpoke

Read about more MusicSpoke composers at the links below.

Meet The Composer | Joy Decoursey Porter

Meet The Composer | Kevin Padworski



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